Lebron James He is a good player basketball . Lebron James was born on Akron, Ohio, December 30, 1984, he's 2.06 meters tall, he's real name is LeBron Raymone James. He d ebuted in the NBA with 18 years. James, popularly known as "The King", "King James". Family of LeBron James: Zhuri James(son), Bronny James (son), Bryce Maximus James (son), Savannah Brinson (wife), Anthony Mcclelland (father) and Gloria Marie James (mother). Some of LeBron’s hobbies are reading, and listening to music.Also, spending time with his family.Even, playing basketball,baseball,and going on road trips with his kids.His other hobbies are,watching t.v.and movies,and playing video games.He also likes to watch baseball and football.
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